About us
This application is 100% developed by volunteers. A complete list of all software programmers can be found online at Github. Most of them have come to know us through Agile-Ventures, an online learning programming community. The video recordings of our meetings and pairings are available on Youtube.

Robert Schäfer
Software developer
Robert is an EmberJS and Ruby on Rails developer from Potsdam. He helps beginners to learn programming and journalists to develop prototypes for innovative formats. At the moment he writes his master thesis at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut.
Matt Lindsey
Software developer
Matt is an full stack web and database developer from Boston, USA. He is committed to helping non-profits through his work as a project manager and scrum master at AgileVentures. At the moment he is an independent consultant.
Sigu Magwa
Software developer
Sigu is an open source enthusiast, developer and mentor at AgileVentures. He loves to program with Ruby and to develop mobile application with the Ionic Framework. Currently he is interested in the programming languages Elixir and elm and the framework Phoenix.
This could be you
New team member
Are you a developer, designer, campaigner, public relations manager, data scientist, journalist or simply a responsible citizen? There are so many ways to support us! Just get in touch :)